The English Try to Get Rid of Us

The attached is a very interesting study of why it is difficult to locate many of the Dunne connections when folks are doing genealogy. Since the Dunnes, Mores and Dempsey's remained amongst the biggest thorns in the English hides, a concerted effort was taken during the time frame 1790-1850 to get rid of some 17000 Irish folks by finding (most) of them guilty to fairly trivial offenses and used the expedient of giving them a penalty of 7 -yes SEVEN years "transportation" to Australia penal colonies. There are a total of about 190 odd Dunne/Dunns who were entertained in this manner. Suggest all of you review this list for possible "missing" persons. The records can be obtained in Dublin - for a small fee. If you visit the National Archives of Ireland - or Australia, the entire database of "transportees" is given along with a complete discussion of the records.

Extracted from Nat’l Archives of Ireland (hpdunn 4/23/98)    

First Name


Arrest County

Trial Date




Andrew 16 Dub 11-4-36 7 felony ham
Anne 20 Queens 22-1-49 7 larceny
Anne 30 Tipperary 0-0-38 14 forgery dischg 6 mth
Bridget 16 Dub 10-6-40 7 felowny shawl/gown
Bridget 28 Kildare 25-10-49 10 felony
Bridget 50 Kings 4-4-51 7 larceny
Bridget 19 Queens 19-7-50 7 arson
Charles 22 Louth 21-2-45 7 perjury
Daniel 24 Kings 0-0-40 14 theft gun
David 60 Wexford 13-1-52 7 sheep stealing dischg '56
David 55 Wexford 3-11-48 7 sheep stealing
Davis 21 Dub 3-6-36 7 embezzling
Denis 0 Queens 0-0-38 life manslaughter Maryborough
Denis 27 Queens 6-3-48 7 sheep stealing
Denis 27 Queens 8-3-48 7 sheep stealing
Edward 24 Dub 12-12-46 10 cow theft
Edward 18 Dub 13-1-37 7 felony ham
Eliza 17 Kings 18-10-50 7 recv'g stolen goods
Ellen 0 Dub 12-4-53 7 vagrancy dischg '59
Ellen 0 Dub 12-4-53 7 vagrancy dischg '59
Etty 23 Wicklow 23-6-47 7 larceny
Francis 0 Down 0-0-37 life stealing heifer
Francis 26 Down 6-3-37 7 cow theft
George 32 Kings 7-3-53 10 making base coins
George 18 Kings 9-3-38 7 malicious assault
Hugh 0 Waterford 14-10-4 7 recv'g stolen goods
J Daugherty 21 Dub 9-3-37 life felony trad’g w/Laurence*
J Donnely 35 Meath 24-2-42 7 perjury
James 0 Dub 0-0-37 death burglary com to life
James 25 Dub 1-1-44 7 felony boots
James 36 Dub 26-8-36 life cow stealing
James 26 Dub 26-8-40 7 burglary ham
James 21 Dub 8-2-37 death burglaryfelony
James 25 Kildare 21-3-36 life burglary
James 0 Kildare 24-3-36 death burglary robbery com to life
James 18 Kildare 31-10-49 7 cattle theft died '55
James 18 Kildare 31-6-52 10 burglary
James 0 Kildare 9-5-1979 ? murder - release? Naas
James 20 Londonderry 16-3-47 7 larceny
James 20 Queens 10-3-49 life assault robbery
James 0 Waterford 14-10-47 7 larceny
James 16 Wicklow 22-6-47 7 larceny
Johanna 17 Kilkenny 20-7-37 7 larceny
John 0 Dub 0-0-1799     petition Suzanna
John 39 Dub 24-6-44 7 burglary
John 21 Dub 6-2-36 life burglary felony
John 21 Galway 0-0-36 life sheep stealing
John 20 Kildare 20-3-49 10 cattle stealing
John 0 Kildare 9-5-1979 ? murder- release? Naas
John 22 Kings 23-6-36 7 gross assault
John 0 Kings 25-6-36 7 assault Philipstown
John 25 Kings 3-4-47 7 assault
John 0 Queens 0-4-38 7 stealing sheep
John 39 Queens 14-3-38 7 sheep stealing
John 25 Queens 16-7-38 7 perjury
John 26 Tipperary 22-6-43 7 larceny
John 0 Tyrone 19-6-47 7 larceny
John 0 Waterford 28-2-48 ? ?
John 0 Waterford 29-2-48 ? ?
Joseph 22 Kilkenny 18-7-53 10 theft
Julia 0 Dub 16-4-53 7 larceny
Laurence 0 Kildare 0-0-04     petition by Liz/Cath*
Laurence 19 Kings 9-3-37 life unlawful oath
Laurence 30 Queens 13-3-39 7 theft gun
Margaret 20 Dub 17-9-41 7 felony handkerchief
Margaret 18 Queens 14-7-45 7 vagrncy 3 mth bail, Maryboro
Mary 0 Dub 7-4-48 7 larceny
Mary 0 Galway 4-1-49 7 killing sheep
Mary 29 Queens 19-7-50 7 arson
Mary 20 Queens 25-10-36 7 larceny
Mary Anne 0 Dub 5-3-49 7 larceny
Mathew 20 Dub 23-11-39 7 felony soap candles
Mathew 18 Meath 23-6-47 7 larceny
Maurice 0 Tipperary 15-6-52 7 burglary dischg '56
Michael 22 Dub 31-22-38 7 felony grate
Michael 16 Dub 6-4-39 10 burglary
Michael 35 Galway 10-11-48 10 cow stealing
Michael 0 Galwy 27-10-48 10 cow stealing
Michael 20 Kildare 3-6-52 10 burglary
Michael 27 Kings 19-10-37 7 larceny
Michael 20 Kings 19-7-38 14 stealing Mace
Michael 20 Kings 21-7-38 14 horse stealing Tullamore *
Michael 20 Limerick 12-3-49 7 larceny
Michael 0 Meath 0-0-42 7 stealing watch*
Michael 32 Meath 2-3-53 7 sheep stealing
Michael 0 Queens 16-7-38 death murder com to life *
Michael 60 Queens 3-1-48 7 sheep stealing
Michael 26 Wicklow 22-6-47 life robbery
Michael sr 35 Queens 16-7-38 death murder commute to life
Micheal jr 0 Queens 16-7-38 death murder
Pat 0 Dub 7-4-49 7 robbery
Pat 20 Tipperary 2-8-47 7 felonious assault
Patrick 19 Dub 15-6-39 life robbery violence
Patrick 17 Dub 18-7-39 7 felony umbrella
Patrick 18 Dub 5-6-37 7 felony caps etc
Patrick 0 Dub 7-2-1800 7 stealing pewter cup
Patrick 0 Queens 0-0-38 life manslaughter Maryboro *
Patrick 30 Queens 13-3-50 10 cow stealing
Patrick 20 Queens 16-7-38 life manslaughter
Patrick 30 Queens 28-6-37 7 aggrav assault
Patrick 16 Queens 4-4-53 7 larceny clothing
Patrick 17 Tipperary 11-3-51 7 burglary robbery
Peter 0 Dub 20-7-24 7 stealing bed,cloak
Richard 65 Waterford 2-1-37 7 larceny
Sarah 21 Queens 17-11-43 7 vagrancy 3 mth bail *
Thomas 30 Carlow 20-3-37 7 stealing pigs
Thomas 30 Carlow 20-3--37 7 stealing pigs
Thomas 0 Carlow 20-6-53 7 larceny
Thomas 14 Dub 11-10-38 7 theft handkerchief
Thomas 0 Dub 25-1-26 life burglary robbery
Thomas 20 Dub 27-12-38 7 felony saw, jacket
Thomas 26 Kildare 1-1-48 7 larceny
Thomas 16 Kildare 5-1-48 10 felony meal
Thomas 35 Kings 22-7-48 15 robbery with violence
Thomas 27 Kings 3-3-36 7 thft money
Thomas 17 Meath 0-0-40 7 misdemeanor
Thomas 0 Queens 0-0-38 7 manslaughter Maryborough*
Thomas 22 Queens 16-7-38 7 manslaughter
Thomas 46 Queens 30-6-48 10 sheep theft killing
Thomas 21 Wicklow 22-6-47 7 larceny
William 32 Dub 21-12-37 7 felony 'chalice'
William 14 Dub 5-9-36 7 felony watch
William 22 Dub 6-2-36 life manslaughter
William 36 Kilkenny 23-7-50 10 cattle stealing
William 26 Tipperary 0-0-37 death arson com't to life
William 0 Waterford 9-7-52 10 sheep stealing

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